So you want to Cleanse Well it’s the fade.. Cleanse. Right you can’t walk down any grocery store without seeing any major book or magazine with the words Cleanse or detox write on it. The truth is what exactly are you cleansing and why are you cleansing? Moreover is it going to benefit you or are you hearting are harming yourself. Even better yet are you getting what paid for and how do you know. Well I run into this with my clients all the time. The truth is there is great benefit to cleansing. The truth there are a lot of cleanses out there that causes great harm. And there are “cleanses and detox’s that claim to do what you are looking for but its not going to come in a bottle.” So let’s talk about cleanses that are BAD!! Ones that you get in a box at the health food store. Why are they bad? Because they are addictive. They contain Senna and Cascara Segrada which are both herbs that do the exact same thing as laxatives and stool softene...