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So you want to Cleanse

So you want to Cleanse


Well it’s the fade.. Cleanse. Right you can’t walk down any grocery store without seeing any major book or magazine with the words Cleanse or detox write on it. The truth is what exactly are you cleansing  and why are you cleansing? Moreover is it going to benefit you or are you hearting are harming yourself. Even better yet are you getting what paid for and how do you know.

Well I run into this with my clients all the time. The truth is there is great benefit to cleansing. The truth there are a lot of cleanses out there that causes great harm.  And there are “cleanses and detox’s that claim to do what you are looking for but its not going to come in a bottle.”

So let’s talk about cleanses that are BAD!! Ones that you get in a box at the health food store. Why are they bad? Because they are addictive. They contain Senna and Cascara Segrada   which are both herbs that do the exact same thing as laxatives and stool softener which are BAD! Basically there is a muscle inside our colon called the peristalsis and it contracts and pushes our fecal matter through our colon. When we take any of these herbs or pills, it basically tells the muscle to take a vacation soo.. when in fact it weakens your peristalsis action. So when you stop taking these herbs and or pills you become constipated.  Hence addicted to herbs and pills. Of course these companies aren’t going to tell you this because they want you to continue purchasing there product. I m not saying cleansing is not good and that there is not some good herbs in the cleanses but is does way more harm than good.

So why do you want to cleanse?  To prevent major breakdowns,  to maintain optimum health.  To have energy, to be healthy, have radiant skin, and healthy bowls.  To feel good, right! The answer is basically, detoxification meaning cleaning the blood. This is done by removing impurities from the blood in the liver, where toxins are processed for elimination. The body also eliminates toxins through the kidneys, intestines, lungs, lymph and skin. However, when this system is compromised, impurities aren't properly filtered and every cell in the body is adversely affected.

My first answer to this is great, start by changing the way you live day. Cleansing isn’t something I do once or twice a year,  I do it through out the year. Yes I do  a major detox cleanse a couple times a year, but everything I put in my body has purpose of good health.  I maintain my cleansing throughout the year. That looks like maintenance, just like we treat our cars. We don’t run our cars into the ground and then do 2 oil changes and 2 tune ups.  Another example we brush our teeth daily, imagine if you didn’t brush your teeth but twice a year. You would have some serious dental issues. It’s the same thing with your health. So back to the dental example. But we go in one or twice a year to have a deep cleaning. It’s the same way with our organs. Now our Colons is the opposite of our teeth it’s the back of our digestive system, unfortunately we cant brush our colons daily but it does need to be clean. It is the sewer for our whole body. When that’s dirty and backed up we are toxic. If your toilet was backed up in your house you would call the plumber, because of the toxic smell. Well that’s what people are walking around with its no wonder they are feeling depressed, tired, fat, and sick. It’s import to cleanse your colon through colonics often. Doing this also allows your body to cleanse your other organs. 

 Now I am a big advocate of juicing daily and eating food that are cleansing like radishes.  This is way to continually keep your body clean and your organs in optimum working order. The problem is us Americans want to be lazy eat like shit and take a quick fix cleanse that will FIX our bad behavior. I am here to tell you’re doing more harm than good.  The best cleanse to do is a juice fast with colon hydrotherapy.  Then a couple times a year find a wellness consultant that knows herb that can give you a through organ cleanse, the truth is though if you eat well and cleanse often your body won’t require a deep cleanse. The other truth is cleansing too much, with herbs isn’t good for you it’s too much wear and tear on your body.

Now with juicing there is a science to it today you can go by fresh juice a number of places but truthfully  if your cleansing there is a method to the madness so it’s best to research it ( there are lots of great book on how to juice) or higher someone to assist you in it. Also today you can buy juice cleanses at the store but make sure they are raw.  I would recommend juicing yourself or getting fresh juice because the older the juice the fast it loses it nutrients.  Even the raw juices that are pressurized are great but they are still not the same as fresh juice.

Receipts for juicing detox:

3 lemons

3 apples

¼ inch  ginger

1 bunch of kale

1 celery

1 romaine lettuce

2 radishes

1 beet

Top 10 ways to help your body detoxify


After a detoxification program, you can cleanse your body daily with these diet, supplements and lifestyle practices:


 1. Eat plenty of fiber, including brown rice and organically-grown fresh fruits and vegetables. Beets, radishes, artichokes, cabbage, broccoli, spiraling, chlorella, and seaweed are excellent detoxifying foods.


 2. Cleanse and protect the liver by taking herbs such as dandelion root, burdock and milk thistle, and drinking green tea.


 3. Take vitamin C, which helps the body produce glutathione, a liver compound that drives away toxins.


 4. Drink at least two quarts of water a day.


 5. Breathe deeply to allow oxygen to circulate more completely through your system.


 6. Transform stress by emphasizing positive emotions.


 7. Practice  Colon Hydrotherapy


 8. Sweat in a sauna so your body can eliminate wastes through perspiration.


 9. Dry-brush your skin or try detox foot spas/foot baths to remove toxins through your pores. Special brushes are available at natural products stores.


 10. What is the most important way to detoxify? "Exercise," says Bennett. "Yoga or jump-roping are good. One hour every day." Also try Qigong, a martial-arts based exercise system that includes exercises specifically for detoxifying or cleansing, as well as many other exercises with specific health benefits.


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