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Showing posts from June, 2015
The Truth When did it become wrong to tell people the truth?  Most of the time people don’t want to hear the truth and they definitely don’t want to do the work to change their digestive system.  As a society, we have been trained to respond this way: you go to the doctors, they give you a pill, and it masks the problem.  It typically will not solve the problem and it comes with a list of side effects, but it does give you instant relief. People used to use herbal remedies which, believe it or not, are very effective and potent.  Unfortunately, most people under estimate herbs and their effectiveness. A lot of clients come to me totally exhausted, feeling defeated and discouraged with typical western medicine.  Others simply have difficultly talking about their digestive issues, an emotional and psychological problem that has effected thousands of people in our society.  While not something most people are comfortable discussing, “Fecal matter...
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion! #1 of healthy digestion is chew your food well… we have heard this our whole life but we never understood why.. the truth is it  not only break downs our foods but it actives our enzymes in our mouths and is essential in our digestion processes. Today in our fast pace lives we eat on the go and wolf down our food and there is no wonder we end up with constipation and gas.. Our intestine is trying to break down chucks of food.. and we are not absorbing our nutrients. As we age we lose the ability to produce enzymes, and we will go into this later on. The way we release enzymes is by chewing.  BTW that’s why chewing GUM IS BAD BAD BAD!!! First of all, the chewing process mashes your food into small pieces and partially liquefies it, making it easier to digest. Secondly, when food hits your mouth, it stimulates saliva production. Saliva contains its own digestive enzymes, so the longer you chew, the more time t...