Going back to your Roots #1 Nutrition Truth: "The more we eat like our ancestors, the better: fresh, whole foods that are locally and sustainable raised and minimally processed or not processed at all. These are the types of foods that your genes and biochemistry are adapted to and that will provide you with the ability to reverse and prevent most disease." - Dr. Mercola I tell my clients all the time to "eat from the earth." My clients ask me almost daily what I eat, and I tell them I eat from the earth. For many years, I subscribed to the raw food/vegan way of life, and I still I support that community, but I no longer label myself as such. Today, I don't belong to a box: I found boxes to be to restricting. Over time, I found that I was in a food community because my ego liked the label, not because that's what I believed in or because it was the most nutritious or what was best for my body. I struggled with leaving raw food/vegan-ism after ye...