Let’s look at this. We clean our teeth daily, which is the front of our digestive system. Shouldn’t we clean the back of our digestive system the same way? If we spent as much time on preventative maintenance, on ourselves as we do our vehicles, our society as a whole would be healthier and would require doctors like we do today. We get our filters and oil changed in our vehicles every 3,000 miles and we do our tune-up like clockwork. But we will don’t take care of our bodies the same way? If we cleansed and detoxified our bodies and our internal organs with the same discipline and importance as our vehicles we would reap at the very least the same benefits of doing car maintenance. Let’s talk about pooping! The truth is that people, as so embarrassed to talk about it, which affects the ability to relax and flow with our bodies natural process, when it’s time to release. We poop, it’s part of our anatomy.. and it’s very Important, If ...