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Top 10 Health foods you should eat and why



 #1 of the TOP 10 HEALTH FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT AND WHY IS Organic Cage free eggs!


 All eggs are NOT the same,


 It's surprising to me what commercial farmed chicken are feed today, soy which is indigestible. Corn well, is I can go on for hour about how bad corn is for our digestion, it just simply doesn't digest. Remember garbage in garbage out.. this applies to hen's cattle, and humans...


 Marketing don't be fooled, they are very good, at getting the sale.. Organic can me feed, but the chicken are still held in a "cell" for lack of better terms" and some eggs are still died.. "Free rage" mean access to the outside that does not mean they are outside roaming the foraging.


 The best way to obtain eggs is from local farmers at farmers markets. I will be starting a tour the first Sunday of the month at 8 am downtown for more information please email me or it will include meeting the farmers and education with practical application of nutrition with food and there nutritional content and how to apply that to your life.


 On Sundays farmers market there is a fresh farmed egg's downtown under the bridge at X st and 10th str.


 If you must get egg from the grocery store, please get organic free range=-- avoid omega -3 eggs it's a market ploy and they already oxidized


 Oh and yes eating eggs raw are great too! please ask me that all the time, yep it's great go for it! all the enzymes are active!!

 Egg's are often an allergenic food, this only happens in the cooking process when we cook off the perishable nutrients. Lutein and zeaxanthin. Which are powerful macular degeneration.


 I enjoy egg every way, there are great, cook then scramble them, bake with them, and put them raw in a smoothie! Have fun, Making healthy food taste great!





 #2 of the TOP 10 HEALTH FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT AND WHY IS Raw Kefir.. Or raw cultured foods


 Not all kefir is the same. PLEASE READ LABELS!*** IF ITS NOT RAW DO NOT BU IT!** I make it at home it is really easy to do so , If your interested in learning how to do so refer to my blog! The link will be below!.. they are pasteurized and homogenized.. essentially they kill all the enzymes and good bacteria.. In which is the exact reason we drink the product to begin with.. although you can buy raw cultures sauerkraut and raw coconut kefir in wholefood and the Co-Op.


 Now for Raw Dairy kefir which is amazing you can get it at the Co-Op, Sprouts, Sunrise natural foods, and Elliot.


 Why is kefir and cultured foods good for you, they are filled with healthy bacteria and enzymes that help us digest our foods. As a culture we have stripped away all the nutrients in all of our foods and seriously damaged our digestive track. The food we eat and the chemicals in the environment in the food we eat strip away the natural healthy aiding elements that our bodied have build to digest. Not to mention the antibiotics and medications today are like bleaches our entire system therefor rebuilding healthy flora and bacteria is a continues cycles and essential for health today!






 #3 of the TOP 10 HEALTH FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT AND WHY IS Organic Kale or Spinach.

 Regardless of what diet you fallow MORE green vegetables is highly suggested!  Both are rich in vitamins and antioxidants.

Spinach in particular has a high ORAC score = Oxygen Radical Absorbance capacity, which measures the body’s ability to destroy free radicals that causes your body damage. The higher the ORAC score the better it is for you. This indicates how many antioxidants you have working for you.

Spinach ORAC score surprising surpasses all berries and all other produce. The great thing about spinach there is no risk of over doing veggies, but fruit you should limit your intake due there high carbohydrate content.

Spinach is high in folic acid which helps lower blood pressure. It is also high in lutein and zeaxanthin.

So Popeye was on the right path! Enjoy spinach daily and you will see the rewards




 #4 of the TOP 10 HEALTH FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT AND WHY IS Raw Nuts!  Not only are they high in protein they are a great healthy fat! Healthy fats are great to aid you in release those unhealthy un wanted stored fats in your body..

The best nuts out are pecan, walnut. Hazelnuts,! They are high in there omega3 and 6 fats!

•Almonds: One of the healthiest aspects of almonds appears to be their skins, as they are rich in antioxidants including phenols, flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are typically associated with vegetables and fruits. As the Almond Board of California reported, a study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry even revealed that a one-ounce serving of almonds has a similar amount of total polyphenols as a cup of steamed broccoli or green tea.

•Walnuts: Walnuts are good sources of plant-based omega-3 fats, natural phytosterols and antioxidants that are so powerful at free-radical scavenging that researchers called them "remarkable." Plus, walnuts may help reduce not only the risk of prostate cancer, but breast cancer as well.

•Pecans: Pecans contain more than 19 vitamins and minerals, and research has shown they may help lower LDL cholesterol and promote healthy arteries.

•Brazil Nuts: Brazil nuts are an excellent source of organic selenium, a powerful antioxidant-boosting mineral that may help prevent cancer


Seed are similar to nuts, they have the same  higher omega 6 fats and have fewer carbohydrates than nuts.  Except flax seed and chia seeds, which are amazingly high in omega 3 so they a wonderful seed to aid to the daily diet!

Please avoid peanut they are actually a legume And I do not support legumes.... and out of all the nuts they are what I consider a dirty nut!!!  They a pesticide-laden food and contaminated with aflatoxin and carcinogenic mold.. bad news!! SO  yeah unfortunately all peanut butters fall into that category too!  So thank goodness of other nut butters


** The deal about nuts is that most people don’t know is that sense nuts are a seed, to completely absorbs and assimilate all the nutrients. WE MUST SOAK THEM FIRST  (you can buy then soaked or and dehydrated at wholefoods, health food stores or online) to active the enzymes , and like a seed they sprout, which aids in digestions.. That’s why when you do to the bathroom you actually seed formed nuts still in you stool just like corn.. So soak your nuts or buy them presoaked.

How long should you soak you nuts 20 for smaller nuts and a couple hours for larger nuts, and I just usually soak them over night and dry then out the next day and they are ready to go the fallowing day!

Have fun,, you can make all kinds of un stuff from soaked nuts I will be sharing some fun bars and recipes  on my blog  in the weeks to come.


.But if that’s all to muck work for you please buy raw organic at lease you will be getting the health fats and protein.



 #5 of the TOP 10 HEALTH FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT AND WHY IS Raw organic Milk believe it or not Raw organic Milk is one of the very best thing we can drink, and it the pasteurization and homogenization that actually makes it unhealthy and indigestible. So those of you that think that you are LACTOCE in tolerant*** I bet 95% of you can and are not lactose intolerant, the truth when strip away the enzymes and healthy bacteria away from the milk during pasteurization and homogenization you kill everything healthy and needed to digest milk.

Raw Milk was used was used as a whipping boy by the FDA, it was simply all political, and simply about money and greed. The new is today.. Through the internet people are getting educated and realizing what is reality and seeing that FDA does not equal nutrition. I like to compare the FDA to the Drug industry…

Raw Milk tastes great and it is definitely not dangerous. It is in fact far better for you than pasteurized milk. It popularity is growing again. I enjoy all types of dairy RAW: cheese, cream, yogurt, kefir!!!  You can get Raw milk at Sprouts, Sunrise Natural foods, Elliot’s, The Co-op, The nugget.

The nutrition benefits of eating raw dairy is they have wonderful healthy bacteria this not only helps us to digest dairy but our food in general. In our culture we have manufacturing food and started preserving our food to make a buck and for convenience. This is all been at the price of our health.  In which our bodied have severally paid the price for this, having constipation, malnutrition, obesity, and behavior that is accustomed to buying health..

It’s simple you can’t buy health, listen get to know your body, breath, fuel it with what it need, eat from the earth and feed it with food from the earth.. Make your food, it will become fun.. Like anything at first it’s weird and you uncomfortable! It’s uncomfortable NOT Knowing! I rewards will out way the daily challenges you face in more ways than one!

Here is a link for you to read more



 #6 of the TOP 10 HEALTH FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT AND WHY IS Raw Organic Sprouts! Why Sprouts… Well! They are my all-time favorite.. Sprouts are super easy to grow and super yummy!. All Sprouts are not only high in vitamins BUT, WHY I love and eat sprouts is because they are super high Enzymes. This is essential in protein metabolism. Basically enzymes help us to digest protein and to take the digested proteins to the muscles.

You can purchase supplements to help you do the same thing, I did for many years. But as I grew in my knowledge for food I desired to get my nutrients from my food in every meal. Therefor It became like a science experiment to me to try achieve the same digestive results with food that I achieved with the vitamins. I found great success and results with sprouts. The reason why is the magnesium, add the enzymes in the digestion process.

Sprouts are those things we put on lox and bagels and are way under estimated. They are amazing for use , try to incorporate them into your daily routine!




Berries is the best fruit on the earth of course in there raw natural state!  Heat, freezing, will damage the antioxidants. Not only do they taste great but they loaded with phytochemicals. They are high in fiber and low in sugar and they will keep insulin Jumps to a minimum!

Blue berries are the most powerful antioxidant –rich food on the plant! The anthocyanin which is the phytochemical which gives blue berries there deep Blue coloring!! They are Super high in vitamin C, Zinc, potassium, iron, calcium, and magnesium.

They also have tons of health benefits they help protect against UTI’s (urinary tract infections), cancer, age related conditions.

Cranberries are amazing too, but the best way to consume them is raw and whole. Cranberry juice is loaded with sugar which has no benefit and is typically hard to maintain the integrity of the any raw nutrients of any raw fruit or vegetable unless juiced and drank immediately.

Cranberries widely known for the amazing Urinary tract benefits, they are loaded with antioxidants and offer protection against cancer, strokes and heart disease. The Polyphenols also inhibit growth in human breast cancer cells and stomach ulcers.

My all-time favorite Strawberries, they come in close second to blue berries on the antioxidant list. Rich in fiber, magnesium, folic acid, potassium, and contain more vita C than any other berry!!!!

All berries are amazing but should be eaten with moderation and should be washed well before eating, please! Eating to many will spike your insulin levels


 #7 of the TOP 10 HEALTH FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT AND WHY IS Raw young Coconut.. Coconut I general is amazing!! I absolutely Love them and in my opinion if you eat nothing else on this list this is the one food that you should incorporate into your life!

Let’s talk about coconut water.. First off I am not talking about the boxed coconut water you get in the store. Again it’s pasteurized, I has again lost its nutritional content. I am talking about the raw (white) Thai coconut, Or they now have 2 companies that you can buy the coconut water either raw in a bottle at wholefoods cold pressed or in the frozen sections at whole foods and at the CO-OP downtown. Very important note****

So Coconut water has the SAME electrolyte balance as our blood plasma. Coconut Water is one of the biggest sources of electrolytes out there and is almost identical in composition to human blood plasma. In fact, during World War II and the Pacific War, coconut water (taken straight from a coconut, it acts as a universal donor) was used as emergency blood plasma transfusions to wounded soldiers. Apparently, this is still done in some third world countries.

One serving of coconut water has more potassium than 2 bananas. It will regulate your blood electrolyte level. Electrolyte is extremely under estimated, if we are out of balance we will not absorb water efficiently, and we, therefore we can be drinking a lot of water and still be dehydrated. Not to mention we are run on electric pulse our heart beat, everything stems from that, absorption and nutrients as well.

Coconuts Meat are an amazing source of protein and fat filled with omega 3 and 6..i use the meet in the coconut to make a slew yummy foods, especially dessert.

Coconut fat actually helps you lose fat, believe it or not!! Yeah it’s true! Your body need fat  but the right kind of fat to function. The MCT promotes thermogenesis, increasing energy production.. Coconut has also been found to be helpful to thyroid production, as well as digestion.

Coconut oil is one of the best oils for you because of its chain of of fatty acids, or triglycerides (MCT”) They have many health benefits including raising your metabolism and fighting of pathogens such as viruses and fungi.


*** If you want great skin eat coconut  everything use coconut oil on your skin, and eat coconut oil and water as much as possible and you will see amazing results****




 #9 of the TOP 10 HEALTH FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT AND WHY IS Krill Oil, A year ago I would of said fish oil, But with Mercury and not know where the fish is coming from … and the amount of fish a company requires to many oil.. I am all about Krill Oil. I honestly just don’t trust the company mass processing fish today. And farmed fish is all bad!

If you know me personally you know how much fish I eat. I Love fish so Much I have it shipped to me, I will not eat poor quality fish, and around here, I do not believe there is quality fish. I do get and work with a small Company direct from Alaska; I consider it to be one the best area in Alaska. I have found it to be lower contaminates and the highest quality fish. There is NO Replacement for fresh fish period.

I prefer to Obtain my Fish oils from the source from eating fish, I do how ever take Krill oil to supplement In my opinion you can never get enough  Omega 3,6,9. It’s so good for your hair skin nails, joints, brain, aging, cholesterol, and stabilizing mood.



 #10 of the TOP 10 HEALTH FOODS YOU SHOULD EAT AND WHY IS Avocado. Avocados are actually a fruit. They are rich in Monounsaturated fat that is easily burned for energy.  I eat a half to a whole avocado daily, they not only are super tasty in in guacamole but they are great topper on virtually any dish you make. It is in my opinion the best source of “good” raw fat. Which most American’s are extremely deficient in, but they also have over 20 essential nutrients: fiber, Potassium (the amount of banana’s, Vitamin c, vitamin E, B vitamins, and folic acid. They also increase you efficiency in absorption in fat-soluble nutrients like alpha and beta carotene.

  Avocadoes are also known to benefit in cardiovascular disease, weight management, diabetes, and as stated before help in your absorption of nutrients.

As I've mentioned before, eliminating grain carbs is one of the best ways to support your health and maintain your weight, but when you cut down on carbs, you need to increase your intake of healthy fats. Avocados are an excellent source, along with organic raw butter, coconut oil, and organic pastured eggs, just to name a few.


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