Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#1 of healthy digestion is chew your food well… we have
heard this our whole life but we never understood why.. the truth is it not only break downs our foods but it actives
our enzymes in our mouths and is essential in our digestion processes.
Today in our fast pace lives we eat on the go and wolf down
our food and there is no wonder we end up with constipation and gas.. Our
intestine is trying to break down chucks of food.. and we are not absorbing our
As we age we lose the ability to produce enzymes, and we
will go into this later on. The way we release enzymes is by chewing. BTW that’s why chewing GUM IS BAD BAD BAD!!!
First of all, the chewing process mashes your food into
small pieces and partially liquefies it, making it easier to digest.
Secondly, when food hits your mouth, it stimulates saliva
production. Saliva contains its own digestive enzymes, so the longer you chew,
the more time these enzymes have to get to work while your food is still in
your mouth. This makes it easier on your stomach and small intestine.
There's also a third reason to chew your food thoroughly.
The chewing process stimulates a reflex that primes your pancreas and other
digestive organs to do their job. It's a brilliantly designed part of the
automatic communication system that keeps your body's organs working in
harmony. Don't mess it up by skipping the important first step -- chew
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#2 of a healthy digestion is Good bacteria or probiotics. We
need good bacteria In our small intestine for so many reasons.. Really to many to list. Antibiotics kills
every good bacteria we have in our body, there today it is every so import to
maintain healthy level of probiotics. Probiotics are not only for good
digestion but also for healthy immune support.
Now the probiotic you get are super important, today every
company is jumping on the probiotic band wagon.. The truth is probiotics are
live bacteria… therefor if it is not alive… (Meaning refrigerated) It’s not…at
all going to benefit you. It’s basically a placebo.
Most of the food today has stripped our digestion of health bacteria
and therefor this is one of the main reason we have digestion issues today in
our society. We are more concerned with taste and shelf life than health.
When we eat food that is pasteurize it strips away all the
healthy probiotic and enzymes the food has naturally to help us digest the food
in its original state. There for today a lot of our bodies our way out of ratio
with our healthy bacteria and unhealthy bacteria. Our body should be 80 percent
health bacteria and the average person
today has about 10 if that.
When you eat to many grains, sugars, and processes foods
this is breeding grounds for bad bacteria. The best thing you can do is
eliminate sugar and processed foods.
Cultured foods and fermented food ( raw is even better) are
full of live healthy probiotics and healthy bacteria’s… I suggest eating these
in your daily diet it help keep build and maintain probiotics in you digestion.
You can find these in Sauerkraut, Kim chi, Kefir. Keep in mind if any of these
are pasteurized it kills the probiotics, you can find them raw in your local
health food stores.
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#3 of a healthy digestion is eating raw food that means
unprocessed foods. (Preferably organic, locally grown, and or home grown
vegetables). When we cook our food we damage the enzymes and nutrients in our food that helps us to digest. When we
chew our food thoroughly a signal is release to our brain that signals a
chemical to increase the production of the enzymes. SO again chewing our food
is very important.. This actually why you don’t want to chew gum** because it
sends a false signal!** so you wasting you enzyme production.
Enzymes are proteins and are catalyst in our digestion. RAW
food is live there for they have live
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#4 of a healthy
digestion is don’t chew gum! I touched on this in the previous step. Chewing
gum sends a false signal to the brain to release enzymes to digest food when
there is no food to digest. This simply dilutes our enzymes and frankly we
don’t have any to waste. Gum causes a major issue with digestion actually. I
struggled personally with this one for year because I was a serious gum chewer
and I didn’t want to believe this but it’s very much true. Gum not only
seriously affects the breakdown of your food and how we digest with our
enzymes. An interesting fact is that after the age of 30 we lose the ability to
reproduce enzymes therefor most of us benefit and require enzyme
supplementation. So chewing gum is serious detrimental to the enzymes that we
do have.
Gum also contains
artificial sweetener which causes bloating, intestinal gas, and intestinal
blockage. I see this daily working in colon health, almost every client of mine
that struggles with chronic intestinal gas either has lacks enzymes of is a gum
chewer and or both. The body was not equipped and made to digest chemicals
there for when foreign objects like artificial sweeteners and chemicals enter
the body, the body doesn’t know how to break the substances down and therefore
it causes serious digestion issues… and it manifest in gas, diseases, and
cancer. Our body is naturally attempting to dispel these foreign products that
are indigestible, and anything indigestible gets dumped into the colon and typically
it shows up as gas.. Interesting fact that is why when you eat those protein
bars or sugar free bar that have sugar alcohol you get gas.
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#5 of a healthy
digestion is take enzymes, I recommend digest gold by Enzymadica. Enzymes are
proteins that breakdown our foods. While chewing a signal is created in the
brain that release chemicals reaction that signals enzymes to be released. Now
due to our culture and processed foods and how our food has evolved today
getting enzymes from our food has become a major issue. We get enzymes
naturally from raw food, that being said the food today although eating organic
and locally grow will help reserve the natural state of the nutrients of the
integrity of raw food. We will still struggle with obtaining enzymes from our
food. As we age we lose the ability to produce enzymes.
SO do you feel
bloated after you eat?
Do you have gas?
Do you have
Do you have digestive
Our bodies require
enzymes to break down food. The list is the basic enzymes we require to break
down food in our system, although there are over 13,000 enzymes that our body
When we have any of
the above symptoms it is usually due to that lack of our body being able to
break down and absorb our food.
• Lipases -- to break down fat
• Amylases -- to break down large carbohydrate chains
• Proteases (also called proteolytic enzymes) -- to break
down protein
Most people respond
very well to enzyme supplementation. After taking enzymes you will notice that
your body is digesting, absorbing, and processing food more efficiently. You
will have less gas, gas is produced when our body is unable to digest or
process our food. You will have less bloating after meals. As a result you will
have more energy and your metabolism will increase due to proper food
absorption and your body will be less tired from having to work so hard to
digest your food. nutrients and live enzymes that aid us in health digestion,
and helps in enzyme production.
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#6 of a healthy digestion is a get lot of fiber. So where do we get fiber? It’s fruits and vegetables
roughage that our body deposes of after our body absorbs the nutrients. Today
Most people do not get enough fiber, not even close.. I highly suggest them
either triple there fruit and vegetable intake or supplement with a fiber
supplement I recommend phylum husk. Flax seeds and chia seeds are great to but
there is something so powerful and aiding about phylum husk.
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#7 of a healthy digestion is stay hydrated, drink lots of
water. This is the lubrication on your digestive system. The truth is the colon
is where we store the majority of our water for our entire body so when we are
hydrated, our system will move effetely. That being said we also need to make
sure that we our electrolytes are balanced as well, because when off balance we
can be drinking a ton of water and we will not actually be absorbing the water.
Are electrolytes are essential for our body to run optimally. These are mineral that our bodies need to
function. I will go into that more in my next point.
Take notice to how much caffeine you intake, for every cup
of caffeine you will next to drink 2 times that in water on top of your regular
water intake to keep hydrated.
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#8 of a healthy digestion is electrolytes….SO we can drink
water all day long and still be dehydrated. How Is that? There are minerals in
our body that balance and hydrate us called electrolytes. They are VERY
important.. and if off balance can cause major health issues.. Like heart
attacks. What are electrolytes are ions found in our blood: sodium, potassium, chloride,
and bicarbonate! WE NEED THESE TO LIVE!!
Food for thought both sodium and Potassium is
used to build muscles, there is an exchange that goes on with in the muscle
between the two minerals when exercised.
Ok so
back to digestion.. Our colon is the gas tank of water for our entire body
right so its natural that it would require a balance of healthy mineral and or
electrolytes right.. To function.. so I encourage all my clients to take
magnesium every night before they go to bed , to help them relax to calm the
colon and to sleep well, it also gives great recovery to all muscles. It will
also aid you in pooping.. Side note.. I am a big fan of Calm by natural
vitality because it is in ionic form and I prefer vitamins that go directly
into the blood stream, I also like the one that includes calcium because the
only way we actually assimilate calcium is when it is taken with magnesium.
get all the other electrolytes I am a big fan of mineral water, or the Power
Pak I love to take those as pre work out drinks.. And My all-time favorite RAW.. Please see the
word raw Coconut water or coconut kefir.. all the coconut water out there that
is packaged is wonderful I love to see people moving in a healthy direction.. I
would encourage you to drink RAW the real deal because ANYTHING PACKAGED is
pasteurized unless they saw RAW and
unpasteurized and I guarantee with the laws in California and the fear there is
only a few companies that are main
stream that are raw selling packaged foods. That being said when pasteurized
they heat the coconut water and killed all the good vitamins and the reason we
drink it to begin with. Now true it does
still contain mineral content so on the run its better than the
alternatives. But as far as vitamins and
healthy bacteria’s and live enzymes.. Zip…
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#9 of a healthy digestion is cleansing! I am big advocate
for cleansing… I mean all types of cleansing.
So many toxins, chemicals, and garbage go through and come into our
bodies on a daily bases that it effects more than ever before. Today we have
food that last week’s even months… convenience comes at a price. That food
really taxes our digestive system.
Preservatives and pasteurization kills any kind of good bacteria and it
simple has nothing in it to aid in digestion.
Therefor eating food from the earth has natural enzymes and bacteria
that aid and support digestion. Anything man made typically unless it is raw
slows down digestion if not hinders digestion greatly.
So cleansing today has become a necessity! Colonics is
virtually a must to maintaining colon and digestion health. It cleanses the
colon of built of fecal matter and bad bacteria. It also cleanses the entire body. The colon is the sewer of the body, if it
toxic so is the entire body.
Cleansing the vital organs are as important as ever, I
recommend doing it at least once a year if not twice. We hear of people loosing gallbladders and
kidneys all the time why loose them when you can simply cleanse them. If we
cleansed our body like we took care of our cars and did scheduled maintenance.
We do oil changes on our car every 3,000 to 5,000 miles to prevent major blow
outs on our vehicles why don’t we do this for our bodies? If we did we would minimize
major health issues in the future.
There is several ways to cleanse juice detoxing, colonics,
herbs, tinctures. There is lots of information out there on detoxing but make
sure its valid and not just marketing… Simple is better. If it’s easy then I
say it’s not a good detox usually detoxing requires you to give up all the
things we love but the rewards are worth it. If you would like to know more you
can contact me.
Ten things you need to know about healthy digestion!
#10 of a healthy digestion is reduce your stress.. Breathe ….
Relax… and let go.. If you are not present and in the moment …and live in the
here and now… today will pass you bye. If you don’t have your health you have
nothing. If you don’t make time today to
feel your body and what it is trying to
tell you trust me your body will eventually take over and make a loud enough
noise that you will have to pay attention.. so why not listen, feel your
body, be still… it is giving you signal
and telling what you need to do to take care of you. Be like Nike Just do it…
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