Let's talk about protein and the role it plays in our health. Often clients ask, "how much protein do I need. Can I get enough from plants, or do I have to eat meat?" Let's start from the beginning. Protein is a required macronutrient we need to live and function. However, to fully understand protein, we need to know how it works in our bodies. When we eat, protein is broken down into amino acids in the body. Our body requires 22 amino acids to function. Some our body makes on its own, and some we have to get from food. If the protein is the necklace, the pearls are amino acids that make up the necklace. Our body is 75% tissue. Our tissues and organs are made of protein; heart, lungs, brain, muscles, etc. Protein is made in our cells through a two-step process; the DNA and mRNA transcription. These amino acids produce proteins that do different tasks in our body. Let's talk about how much protein a human requires. There are varied ideas about this in the lit...