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Raw Chile Verde!

Raw Chile verde!
Raw again we encourage people to eat raw, as much as possible because your able to absorb the maximum nutrition out of the food you eat!!
Raw tomatillo good for dieters fiber, minerals, antioxidants, and vitamins.. Unlike ...tomatoes! They do not have lycopene instead the have a different antioxidant a phytochemical known as with amplifies.. Know to have anti bacteria and anti cancer properties!!
Along with avocado, great in health fats, fiber, and packed full of vitamins!!
Combined with cilantro, jalapeño, and garlic!

Jalapeño : vita A & C and helps with IBS and chronic heart burn!

Garlic:IS AMAZING! Help is reducing heart disease, anti cancer properties! And it's natures antibiotic!!

Cilantro: rich in vitamins, but what I really like about cilantro is that it reduces LDL "bad fats"
The Recipe for Chile Verde grilled

2 lbs tomatillos ( for those that want it authentic and cooked it's excellent. put in food processor use s blade)
1 bunch of cilantro
1 elephant garlic
1 tablespoon pepper
5 avocado ( put in food processor use s blade till smooth)
mix together
2 lime juice
1 lemon juice


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