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 I placed 7th at nationals,  I feel a little bittersweet about it, I was the sickest I have ever been, and grateful for this moment this is what drove me to find a new solution! I did NOT want to be that coach to do what was taught to me to others., I struggled for years after with severe metabolic "damage". My hormones were shot and my thyroid is permanently damaged now.  Today I however am the healthiest I have ever been. I am able to teach client how to live a sustainable healthy lifestyle, how to diet and how NOT to diet....Through Reverse dieting and flexible dieting, I have been able to live a life that I never thought possible. Today I am leaner, stronger, and healthier woman, I never thought I could be free of the obsessive compulsive racket that lived in my head.

If you're eating a restricted diet, wow, I have lived that life, am it may work the first time but boy does it backfire. The chicken or fish with asparagus and rice, I have lived it.... If you can't see yourself on the "diet you're currently on in 6 months from now, you will regain the weight, and every time you do that YO YO you damage or you metabolism adapts to your current lifestyle and caloric intake.. So now that is your new set point!  So you can either do more cardio or eat less right.. WRONG... for how long till you  hurt yourself, that's what I did... there is another way but it takes work. And I would encourage you to do it with a coach that has walked in your shoes.

Diet's don't work, find a lifestyle that works for you..that you can maintain. If you don't have the tools find someone that does and that you can trust, someone that  listens to YOUR NEEDS and has your health first and foremost there main concern.

Wendy Sebastian


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